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Am I Cursed?

Something is wrong. I can feel it. It suddenly feels like my luck is going to run out soon enough. Last night, the ceiling fan fell off just as I stepped out to get a cup of coffee. And this morning, I was nearly knocked down by a crazy okada man. Rather than the mad man to apologise, he hurled insults at me instead. My kid sister believed I have been cursed. Usually,I don't believe in such nonsense but I am beginning to worry.  We both had a nasty encounter with a rude old woman on a visit to Abeokuta last week. Even though she had never met my sister, she criticized her mode of dressing and suggested men might take her for a prostitute. Naturally, I went mad. Sharing the same bus gives no one the right to make my sister feel like that and I didn't hesitate to share my feelings to the old woman.  And that was when the curses started. She didn't stop until we alighted from the bus.  No, it can't be. I'm sure it is just a coincidence. My mind is playing tricks on me.

Wicked World

 As the jeering crowd gathered, their stones at the ready, Ahmed closed his eyes and remembered the forbidden love that had brought him to this moment. He remebered the gentle touch, the gentle whispers and the stolen glances in a society that never understands. The extremists roared as one,condemning Ahmed to death for his sin. But Ahmed knew that love is beautiful and it cannot be sinful to love Francis. Their love shone brighter than the hatred that surrounded him.  As the first stone flew, Ahmed smiled. In his heart, he knew he would die free. Free, his spirit will soar far, far from a world so wicked.


Cocks are crowing Dawn is smiling I am singing You are dancing Dancing in the rain Sun is soaring Moon is moaning Sea is stirring Stirring the sorcery the sorcery in the flame Night is nibbling Passion is cackling Blues are balling Stars are chuckling I am falling You are gasping Hands are trembling Blood is boiling Fingers are loving Tongues are teasing Lips are longing Longing for the sweetness Of the flavored, flavored sky.


Nothing is as colourful as your smile I can hear your soul from a mile Nothing is as sweet as this wine Except your soft hand in mine


Sacred time stands Still, hearts flip flop To intricate soul-strings Pulls by cupid’s thumb A rush Of hot dolorous desire A rain of Golden bliss Falling as roses On prurient paths

Hearts as a Ferry

We live, die Gloomy, cry We fall, rise Once or twice Joyful, we merry Our heart as a ferry On boisterous, boisterous sea   We taste, rain Spring here, again Giddy, we kiss The universe, bliss Joyful, we merry Our heart as a ferry On boisterous, boisterous sea   We love, bloom Sonorous as noon We drink the sun High on us Joyful, we merry Our heart as a ferry On boisterous, boisterous sea.


A frosty morning in Jos; it was still dark when Tolani Philips had alighted from the luxurious bus into the dark quiet terminus, the cold carving out a chilly welcome. It was 3am in the morning. As she dragged out her luggage, her teeth chattered with cold and something else: fear. Fear of the unknown. Nervous, she sat on one of her boxes and waited. When she received her NYSC posting letter few days earlier, she had panicked. Lots of gory tales had been told again and again about the old North and its violent tendencies; about Christians and settlers gulping the red every now and then.   Her mother had tried everything to make sure she served in Lagos but all in vain. “Tolani, I am scared,” her mother had said, finally putting words to her fears. “I don’t want you to go. It is dangerous.” “I thought so too, mum,” Tolani had replied. “But what can we possibly do? I have to go, otherwise I will never get a job. I need that NYSC certificate.” Her mother hesitated for a mo