They Fell Too

They fell

from gangling slips

and muffled dreams.

They fell

from worled ways

that could not stay.

They too fell and fell

but no one was there

to tell.


Anonymous said…
Good one man.. Simple yet poignant.. Was bored, reading thru my old posts and saw a comment you wrote last year.. Thx for stopping by...
Olufunke said…
Ver nice, well written..I am wondering who 'they' are.
Afrobabe said…
sounds like aliens!!!
.. said…
This really makes one think....
Shubby Doo said…
lol@afrobabe, and there was me thinking that 'they' sound like fallen angels...hmmm...i will stick to this thread of thought and ask 'is there any prospect for their salvation?'
ashley g. scott said…
Thanks for stopping by, you're work is very touching. I love how personal this feels. It applies to my life, maybe differently, but obviously as it does yours.
TALON said…
Very poignant...
Sonya said…
Simple yet beautiful poem. Thank you for visiting my blog. You're Nigerian, I see. I love Asa. She has a beautiful voice. My daughter falls asleep listening to "Fire on the Mountain"!

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